Defining a New Default Parameter

The information on this page relates to the new upgraded interface of the IConduct platform. To view information about the Classic version of the user interface, follow this link.

Default parameters are user-defined data sets. Their values are fixed for the specific schema fields within the given interface.

When you choose the New Default Parameter from the New menu, the Edit Parameter page opens.

The Edit Parameter Page

This page has the following fields:

  • Name. Insert the parameter name of your choice.
  • Default value. Insert the parameter value of your choice.
  • Data type. From the drop-down menu select the type of data representing the parameter, e.g., text, integer, boolean, etc.
  • Is trackable parameter. Helps to follow changes in interface execution with different parameter values. Tick to enable the parameter tracking in the transactions log. The parameter appears in the Transactions work area and as part of the transaction sheet after the interface execution. 


To Define a New Default Parameter

Follow steps 1-3 in the introduction to this section and then proceed below:

  1. In the Name field, insert the new default parameter name.
  2. In the Default Value field, insert the parameter value. To modify parameter values, use the Set Parameter Step or the Manipulate Step> Set Parameter from Schema. 
  3. Click Save to keep the parameter, Save & Close to keep and close the parameter, and end the session, or Click Save & New to save and close the current parameter and begin a new session.